Center Structure

Organized Parts

Our Center Structure

IPRCE has representation from various stakeholders in our cores, task forces, and leadership. Bilateral communication can be found throughout our structure ensuring that we have a coordinated approach to center activities and research.

Organizational Chart



Mission: Provide the scientific and organizational leadership needed for IPRCE to achieve its goals of reducing the burden of injury in Georgia and the Southeast.

The Administrative Core provides the scientific and organizational leadership needed to achieve adequate planning, managing and evaluating the center aims. The core functions as the central body for coordinating the center 's many goals and objectives.


Mission: Apply science of communication to translate injury prevention findings into practice and policy.

The Outreach Core utilizes a network of stakeholders to disseminate new research findings, innovative programs, and promote injury related events. The core forms a bridge from science to practice in communities across the state.

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Education and Training

Mission: Provide the knowledge and skills in the science and practice of injury prevention.

Embrace the philosophy of translating science into practice. The core provides opportunities to expand knowledge and identify information gaps in injury prevention.

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Mission: Advance innovative, high impact research and interventions designed to reduce the burden of injuries in Georgia and the Southeast.

The Research Core develops, conducts, and supports multidisciplinary research on a wide range of violence and unintentional injury topic areas. The core focuses on studies aimed at reducing the burden of injuries in highly vulnerable populations.

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Task Forces

The task forces represent five areas of injury prevention: Transportation Safety, Drug Safety, Traumatic Brain Injury Prevention, Fall Prevention, and Violence Prevention. Injuries related to these areas are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Georgia.

Learn More about Task Forces

External Advisory Committee

This committee shapes the center’s vision, long-term goals, research, and programmatic agendas. The members of this committee provide input on the center’s overall strategic plans. Also, these members help identify resources, such as funding opportunities.

Meet External Advisory Committee Members

Steering Committee

This committee coordinates and monitors the center functions, programs, and activities. The members of this committee ensure there are connections between the work of the task forces, various committees, and center objectives.

Meet Steering Committee Members